Monetizing the Internet of Things

2021-12-14T20:27:29+01:00October 24th, 2021|

Across all industries, smart, connected products are changing the way companies create and capture value. Smart agriculture, smart city, smart manufacturing, smart home, smart health and fitness - intelligent, connected products will affect all industries and areas of life. This emerging generation of products is based on [...]

WAVE: Wearable-based Risk Assessment for COVID-19 inpatients

2021-12-14T20:31:22+01:00October 17th, 2021|

To provide effective care for COVID-19 inpatients, clinical practitioners need systems that monitor patient health and subsequently allow for risk scoring. Existing approaches for risk scoring in COVID-19 patients focus primarily on intensive care units and use specialized medical measurement devices, but not for general wards.  Our [...]

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