IoT Business Model Builder

2019-04-24T14:14:19+02:00October 25th, 2018|

The Internet of Things is becoming more and more important in many domains. Because in many cases it has the power to create completely new value propositions, new business models have to be designed for new IoT solutions. In the whitepaper presented here we define business [...]

Security Light / Comfy

2021-11-20T02:12:03+01:00October 25th, 2018|

Already today, the Internet eases our everyday life. It helps us to get connected, to work efficiently and to stay informed. Tomorrow, the Internet will make our homes more comfortable, secure and energy-saving. Our “security light” tells you how. It incorporates automatic lighting and security features [...]

Eco-Driving Information Systems

2021-11-20T02:09:39+01:00October 4th, 2018|

Almost 17% of the worldwide CO2-emissions can be ascribed to road transportation. Using information systems (IS)-enabled feedback has shown to be very efficient in promoting a less fuel-consuming driving style. Today, in-car IS that provide feedback on driving behaviour are in the midst of a fundamental change. [...]

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